Thursday, June 01, 2006

Help With My Mission

I had started to give up on my idea of finding a community garden. I drove around, checked signs, called people--but no information was forthcoming. It was beginning to seem like a secret society that I was going to either randomly fall into on some dark and stormy night, or never find at all.

But--lo and behold--this morning I woke up to this article in the LJWorld with information, addresses, and even contacts for, not one, but FOUR community gardens. Yahoo!

I think it may be too late for this year, but I'm going to drive by the Eastside garden tonight. If I like what I see, I can at least put my name on the waiting list and maybe we can have some squash next year....and if we do I'll have to send some to Jennifer Oldridge for her timely assistance.


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