Reinsch Rose Garden
I made a quick trip to the Reinsch Rose Garden in Gage Park in Topeka over lunch today. It's not quite ready yet. The climbers and shrubs were all in bloom, but the tea roses were all buds still. Nonetheless, it was great--I didn't want to go back to work!

An overall shot of the garden. As you can see they have a ton of teas all out in the middle. It's really going to be gorgeous in just a little bit.

This yellow rose was part of the border. It was a little raggedy. So much so, in fact, that I couldn't see the name plate to figure out what kind it was. It smelled lemony.

Maybe it was just what was in bloom, but it seemed like there were a ton of single blossom roses. I really love them, so it was a lot of fun to see so many different varieties. This is a Playboy Floribunda.

An Altissimo Climber--love, love, love the color.

A Flutterbye Shrub.

A Carefree Sunshine Shrub.

A Trumpeter Floribunda. Doesn't the color of this just fit the name perfectly?

A Just Joey Hybrid Tea. When I get my rose garden someday this will be one of the first roses I plant. I adore the color and smell.

This poor sweet flower somehow got the name "Fred Loads". Pretty rose, unfortunate name.
More in a few weeks . . . .
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