A Nice Kind of Day
My family was here yesterday and today so that little brother could tour KU where he wants to go to school next year. While he and mom went on the tour, baby sister and I took a trip to Sunrise Nursery and had great fun there. It's so wonderful sometimes to see things through her eyes.
A very sweet lady at the nursery helped us pick out some pansies and lettuce for her to take home and grow in pots. We took them home and planted them, along with some black calla's (NAME) that I planted for myself. The calla's came from Earl May.
After they left to go home, sweet husband helped me till more of the yard. I really wanted to plant some onion sets also, but the dark caught up with me so that will have to wait until tommorow, I suppose. It's funny how sometimes it just seems like there's no time, when in reality there's plenty--just not always to do the things you really want to do exactly when you want to do them. But all in all it was a nice kind of day.