....I hacked away at the tomatoes; they're kind of taking over. I've never really thought of plants fighting for space before, but my sweet tomatoes are definitely doing some pushing and shoving.
....I noticed I have beans. The beans are almost as vigorous as the tomatoes. Next year I need much taller trellises.
....But I found a few beans that were all dried and ready for picking.
....All told I got five Hidatsa Shield Figure Beans. I'm on my way to a nice winter pot'o'soup.
....I picked the first "Aunt Ruby's German Green" Tomato.
....And we made a grilled pizza. We had red tomatoes (from the store) and yellow pear and German green tomatoes (from our garden). Combined with some lettuce, onions, garlic, and fresh mozzarella--mmmm!
I love your plants! What beautiful photos!
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