Sunday Morning Muscari Musings

I planted 50 of these last year (that would be fall of 2004)--so far only about 10 have popped back up. I'm having some, not insurmountable, problems with them.
The flowers are pretty, but their leaves come up midwinter and get horribly raggedy. The first winter after I planted them I made the mistake of thinking the leaves were weeds, and I cut them back. Probably why so few have bloomed again, although our heavy clay soil could have something to do with it too.
Right now I have them mixed in with a bed of tulips, per a suggestion from the bulb catalog, and they pretty much just get hidden. They're just too tiny to compete.
I think, if we stay here, I'll dig them up and put them in a tiny clump by a corner of the fence. And if we live somewhere else, maybe I'll dig them up and put them in a tiny clump by a corner of the fence somewhere else.
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