Thursday, March 16, 2006

When To Just Give Up....

Check out this, which was on the front page of MSN today. It's an article about how once again our amazing *sarcasm* State Board of Education has done something ridiculous and made kids have to get permission slips to take sex-ed.

It's getting embarrassing to say that I'm from Kansas. Sometimes I hate my state. Sometimes I think it would be easier just give up and move.

But then I get all angry and raucous and think, "Damnit, this is my state too!" (And besides I'm not taking the bar again somewhere else.)

Or maybe it's just the idiots that people from my state elect to the State Board of Education. Where do they find these people?

Just to get my feelings on the record so that I don't get lumped in--Teenagers are going to have premarital sex. Teenagers have been having premarital sex since medieval times. It's stupid, Stupid, STUPID in SO many ways not to EDUCATE them about how to protect themselves from pregnancy and disease.

End of rant, back to your regularly scheduled day....


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