RIP Rosemary Topiary
When I started this I said I wanted to record "the good, the bad, and the ugly"--today we had the first of the bad and the ugly. My rosemary had been starting to look brown for awhile now. I had forgotten to turn it so one side hadn't gotten any good sun for a bit, and according to the message boards at GardenWeb, Rosemary is very hard to keep alive inside because of there is a very fine line between drowning it and letting it die of thirst. Also, the topiary's that are sold at Chirstmas time (the one's shaped like mini Christmas trees, which this one was) are apparently pretty stressed out to start with. So, today I decided to prune it back to see what life was left--yeah, it was brown and brittle to the core. There's one little stem growing out from the bottom that's still giving me a little hope but .... (sigh).
On the upside, I trimmed off the few remaining limbs and am trying to root them so maybe we'll be able to have new life despite the death ....
Lessons for next time...herbs need lots of sun and very careful watering when visiting inside. I think I'm going to try to make my own rosemary topiary this spring instead of buying one ('cause I have to have a rosemary plant around for cooking). Maybe more of a standard-type shape.
Grrr....this makes me sad.
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