My Bit of Earth
The adventures of a midwestern garden with lotsa plants in a little space.
Monday, April 25, 2005
Sunday, April 24, 2005
Herb Garden
Got my little herb garden all laid out today--basically it's lotsa basil for yummy pesto sauce. Here's the skinny ....
Lemon Basil/Roma Dwarf Basil/Cinnamon Basil/Eucalyptus/Cilantro
African Blue Basil/Spicy Globe Basil/Opal Basil/Sweet Basil/Lettuce Leaf Basil
Very nice!
Blaine also picked out a "collosal pepper" plant that's living in a pot (along with the mexican midget tomato) until the broccoli and lettuce are done and they can have their spots in the yard.
The wildflower patch is coming along alright. The Sunflowers have come up nicely, and I've been able to identify some Morning Glory along the fence, but otherwise it's a little hard to tell the difference between the flowers and the weeds. I'm kind of just letting things go for now and we'll se what blooms.
I also planted the sky pencils in the tiny bed in front of the house--not perfect for that spot, but they'll do.
Pictures soon!
Friday, April 22, 2005
Goodbye Raggedy Daffodils
Ok, so I was out weeding this afternoon and I did it--the daffodils are gone. Dead. Chopped off. No more. :)
Tomatoes and Bulbs and Weeds, Oh My!
My very sweet grandparents-in-law gave us a wonderful little tomato growing box when we were home last weekend, so I went to Sunrise and got some grape tomatoes (my very favorite!) to plant in it. I bought three plants, but I only had room to plant two in the box, so one just got stuck in the yard. I planted ....
Mexican Midget
Yellow Pear
The bulbs are looking very ragged these days. It's taking all of my will power to not just hack them all down. Next year I either need to move them or plant more so I don't have the scraggliness. Note to self, don't plant dandelions and tulips in the yard!
And the weeds! I've planted a little flower plot (poppies, black-eyed Susan's, Sunflowers, and others) so it's hard to tell what's a weed and what's a flower.
I thought I had a good plan so that things would stay neat, but it's not going so well right now. I need to get out and move some things and get rid of some things and just kind of clean house a little. Guess that's why this is my practice garden ....
Thursday, April 07, 2005
Roses have arrived
Poor roses! It's a chilly day to have to plant them out, but maybe it will warm up this afternoon. Been so busy with the puppy lately that I haven't had much time to play in the dirt, but I'm hoping to get out this weekend and get some organization done at least!
Saturday, April 02, 2005
New plants
My Japanese sky pencils and my banana tree arrived today. At the rate I'm going I might have them out of their cartons by next month!
I have some major weeding to do. Dandelion roots are HUGE and thus very hard to dig out I'm discovering. But my daffodills and crocuses and tulips have all come up and are making my little garden look all cheery.