Friday, November 04, 2005

My Bit of Dog?

For the past few weeks I've been having a teeny-tiny problem--well, teeny-tiny in the grand scheme of things, but pretty perplexing in my relatively problem-free life. If you haven't figured it out by now, our doggies are, for all intents and purposes at this time, our kiddos. So naturally, I would like to write about them more. But the puppies really don't fit within the original scope of this blog which is to have an easy to keep, easy to read garden journal. They kind of get in the way--they're good at that....

Happily, last night in the wee smalls, I found a solution at Dogster is a very fun place where your dog can have it's very own webpage. Basically it's like a blog, but kind of better for my purposes. I can post pictures and Moe and Porter can keep "diaries" so the basics are covered. I can also search for and communicate with other Welsh Terrier owners, which is something I'm always looking for when the inevitable questions come up.

Some of the features are a little silly, but some are kind of fun too. For example, Porter and Moe's pages are linked as "family" and if any dogs they know join Dogster then they can all be linked as "friends"--a little cutesey, yes, but kind of neat in that we can all keep up with each other.

So, henceforth, all things puppy will be on Dogster. For Porter news check out "Porter's Post" and for Moe's comings and goings take a peek at "Moe's World". Be sure and leave a bone!


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